Childproofing Your Home And Garden
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Childproofing Your Home And Garden

When my first child had an accident at home, I realised we hadn't childproofed the house as well as we could have. Thankfully, they were fine, but I learned my lesson and began a thorough inspection of my home and garden. I got to work addressing the various hazards we had overlooked, and I started this blog to help other parents think objectively about the hazards in their own homes. I post about a variety of topics, such as pool safety, choosing a safe garden fence, storing medication and cleaning products, window and door locks and kitchen safety for kids. I hope you find my blog useful and informative.


Childproofing Your Home And Garden

Know Your Extinguisher at Work

Ana Gonzales

Having the right fire equipment within the office place is essential for maintaining safe conditions for your employees. According to Fire and Safety Australia, 95% of fires could be extinguished without the need for the emergency services if the correct fire extinguisher is used. The Australian Building Codes Board (ABCB) produced the Australian Standards, which highlights fire safety policy, such as the regularity of fire extinguisher testing and where they should be located. Here is a list of the most common types of fire extinguisher and which classes of fire they can be used for, to help you to understand what is required for your own workplace. 


Water extinguishers are the cheapest and most popular extinguisher that you can buy. They are used for Class A fires that represent your typical wood, paper and plastic fire but are limited in their use, as they should not be used where electricity or burning fat and oil is present. Smoking is a common cause of Class A fires, especially in a workplace that has lots of dry paper and wood which can easily catch fire if a cigarette stub is not fully put out and there is debris lying around near the smoking area. Having a dedicated smoking shelter that allows people to avoid passive smoking will help you to conform to smoking policies created by Work Safe Australia and look after the health of your employees.


Foam extinguishers are perfect for both Class A fires and Class B, which covers flammable liquids such as petrol. The foam smothers the fire and deprives it of air. A fire needs fuel, air and heat; taking one of these away will put it out quickly and efficiently. Whilst they are more versatile, they are more expensive that plain water extinguishers. 


CO2 extinguishers can be used for electrical fires; otherwise known as Class E fires. They can also be used on flammable liquids. However, because CO2 is a gas, it dissipates quickly. Therefore, there is always a risk of the fire reigniting. Turning off the electrical supply if possible will reduce this risk dramatically. 


Powder extinguishers are the most versatile and come in different varieties. They can combat Class A, B, C and D fires; Class D fires encompass flammable metals. However, they must be used with caution, as they can damage equipment. Establishing if there is an alternative extinguisher that could be used in its place is always a good idea, if time permits. \

For more information, contact The Fire Protection Specialist Company Pty Ltd or a similar company.
