Childproofing Your Home And Garden
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Childproofing Your Home And Garden

When my first child had an accident at home, I realised we hadn't childproofed the house as well as we could have. Thankfully, they were fine, but I learned my lesson and began a thorough inspection of my home and garden. I got to work addressing the various hazards we had overlooked, and I started this blog to help other parents think objectively about the hazards in their own homes. I post about a variety of topics, such as pool safety, choosing a safe garden fence, storing medication and cleaning products, window and door locks and kitchen safety for kids. I hope you find my blog useful and informative.


Childproofing Your Home And Garden

3 Filter Options for Your Residential Air Cleaner

Ana Gonzales

There are numerous types of air pollutants like pollen, pet fur, general dirt and even smoke in residential environments. These contaminants compromise your indoor air quality and the particles can be harmful to the respiratory system. Therefore, you should consider installing an air cleaner in your house to eliminate these air pollutants. Basically, these appliances are designed to screen the air and eliminate the contaminating particles. The cleaning efficiency of the purifier will depend on the filtration mechanism, so it is important to consider this aspect before purchase. Here is a brief description of the primary filter options to consider for your new air cleaner.

Activated Carbon

As implied, activated carbon filters are manufactured from high-carbon materials like charcoal. This material is highly absorbent and has many pores which increase the surface area for trapping harmful particles. Moreover, the carbon is specially manufactured in order to bond with the pollutants. Consequently, the particles will not be able to return into the circulation. You should consider selecting an air cleaner with activated carbon filters if you are concerned about smoke, chemical fumes and general odours. On the other hand, this filter is ineffective against large particles like pollen and dust, so it should not be used independently.


The HEPA filter is officially known as the high-efficiency particulate arrestance filter. It is fabricated using fibreglass members which are structured unsystematically to generate an operational sieve. This type of air filter is designed to offer maximum screening efficiency after installation in the air cleaning appliance. It can trap most forms of particles from your home, including flower pollen, fungal spores as well as bacteria. The randomly-arranged fibres will ensure impaction of the contaminants, preventing them from returning into the indoor air circulation. Unfortunately, the HEPA filter cannot remove chemical fumes, smoke or scents from your home.

Ultraviolet Light Technology

The ultraviolet light technology is installed in air cleaners to destroy airborne microorganisms which could cause diseases. Basically, this type of device releases electromagnetic radiation which kills the pertinent organisms by breaking down their DNA. The light is highly effective against bacteria, fungal spores and even viruses. This technology is an ideal choice if you are concerned about communicable diseases or biologically polluted surroundings. Unfortunately, this is not really a filtration technology, so the device will not trap most solid particles or even odours from the indoor air.

You will obtain optimal indoor air quality in your home by choosing an air cleaner which can use two or more of these filters simultaneously. For more ideas on which filters will work best for your home, contact companies like Air Cleaners Australia. 
